About Us

A non-governmental organization of clinical nutritionists, Dietitians, nutrition researchers and all other nutrition experts from Myanmar.

Our Work

The primary aim of the Myanmar Nutrition and Dietetic Association is to contribute to improved public health by promoting the importance of nutrition and dietetics and supporting the professional development and collaboration of nutritionists and dietitians in Myanmar.

permanent members

Temporary members

Total Members

Our History

MNDA was established in 2022. Its foundations were laid in a meeting on World Nutrition Day 26th May, 2022 in Yangon, Myanmar, which has commonly come to be regarded as the first MNDA meeting.

Our Aims


The primary aim of the Myanmar Nutrition and Dietetic Association is to contribute to improved public health by promoting the importance of nutrition and dietetics and supporting the professional development and collaboration of nutritionists and dietitians in Myanmar.


Clinical and Public Health: The association aims to improve the health and well-being of the Myanmar population by promoting sound nutrition practices and dietary guidelines. This includes raising public awareness about the importance of proper nutrition in preventing and managing health conditions.

Professional Development: It seeks to enhance the professional development of nutritionists and dietitians in Myanmar by providing opportunities for continued education, training, and certification. This includes organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences to keep members updated on the latest research and best practices in the field.

Research and Advocacy: The association plays a role in promoting and conducting research related to nutrition and dietetics. It also advocates for evidence-based nutrition policies and guidelines at the national and regional levels.

Networking and Collaboration: One of the key aims is to foster collaboration and networking among nutrition and dietetic professionals in Myanmar. This includes connecting with international organizations and experts to exchange knowledge and expertise.

Regulation and Standards: The association may work towards establishing and maintaining professional standards and ethics within the field of nutrition and dietetics, ensuring that practitioners adhere to the highest quality of care and practice.

Community Outreach: To actively engage with the community and address nutrition-related challenges, the association may initiate community outreach programs and educational campaigns. These efforts can include partnerships with schools, healthcare facilities, and other organizations to promote healthier diets and lifestyles.

Capacity Building: The Myanmar Nutrition and Dietetic Association may aim to build the capacity of its members and the broader community through training programs, publications, and educational materials.

Our values

  • Integrity – we are science-led, impartial, open minded, transparent and committed to diversity and sound ethical principles. 
  • Collaboration – we amplify our impact via partnership working with a range of stakeholders.
  • Quality – we deliver excellence consistently.
  • Positivity – we are a team of highly qualified experts who care about providing credible nutrition science and are passionate about the positive influence it can have on healthier lives.