The challenge

The physical and mental health of a generation of Myanmar’s children is threatened by the current crisis. Social, economic and political uncertainty triggered by the military takeover of 1 February 2021 has put their futures, and even their lives, in peril.

A combination of economic shock, virtual collapse of the health system, the COVID-19 pandemic and conflict is laying waste to basic social safety nets, denying children access to the most basic of services, such as clean water and health services.

Good quality food, clean water, safety, education and consistent care and protection are currently beyond the reach of many children.

Recent health gains are being lost

  • In recent years, significant improvements in maternal and child health services had reduced child mortality, creating the promise of improved childhood outcomes. The current crisis has led to backsliding and threatens the hard won progress already achieved.
  • Conflict has disrupted the operation of many healthcare facilities.
  • Threats and actual violence against health workers are disincentivising qualified staff from providing services.
  • Economic upheaval has left families unable to afford already limited supplies of food.
  • COVID-19 pandemic paralyzed the already weak health system, making access to essential health services such as immunization even more difficult.
  • Every month, an estimated 77 mothers and 1,410 children could die because of lack of essential services in Myanmar

The solution

This is a rapidly evolving humanitarian crisis. It is driving a rise in poverty and leaving Myanmar’s families powerless to safeguard the lives and futures of their children.

Prolonged disruption of services, including routine immunization may result in multiple outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases, an uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 and  further increase in morbidity and mortality.

UNICEF remains focused on the most vulnerable children and communities and continues to deliver life-saving results for them, at speed, and at scale.

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